Integrating Personalized Learning with Intervention
Meet the Team
Steps to make Intervention and Personalized Learning mesh successfully:
Set and outline the expectations clearly for students and teachers.
-Consider creating a syllabus or course outline for the students and teachers as most teachers are not familiar with the material.
- A playlist would be ideal for intervention on each grade level as it would save the intervention teachers time and mental fatigue from worrying about what to do and how to do when it comes to serving students in a subject area for which they are not familar.
Skills every classroom teacher can teach within an intervention classroom: perseverance, organization, resilience, multiplication facts, how to use a dictionary, and spelling
Create buy-in for the students.
-Make the Math 180 or Review 360 goals excitable activities such as Math Inventory Data Discovery Journeys and M-Skills Mania such that students want to complete the tasks to see their growth.
Set goals and celebrate the successes.
-Setting goals can be as simple as having students aim for 85% on each Inventory or MSkills assessment to earn a dot or star or just to be complete for the day.
-Data conference Fridays: Conferences between the intervention teacher and the student are necessary to communicate areas of strengths and areas for growth within the Intervention Platform.
Data can be tracked by the students using a simple Google Doc shared the intervention teacher or on a sheet of paper in a folder that remains in the classroom.