Student Reflection and Ownership through Action and High Expections
Student Ownership through Action and High Expectations
Student Reflection and Ownership
Student Centered Learning: It's not what you do. It is how you do it.
Effective teachers have a profound influence on the student achievement.
Student-centered classrooms are managed by facilitative educators who empower students to achieve by tapping in the power of participation through action and high expectations.
Facilitative Educators are educators who focus on student-centered learning and understand that they are not the sage on the stage. They are able to release control of the classroom to the students while offering students the level of personalized learning each student needs for ultimate success. -J. Robinson, 2022
In regards to personalized learning, our goal as educators are to be guides on the side who serve as facilitators; helping learners discover knowledge and steering them in ways that will help them while engaging them in first-hand learning experiences.
Facilitative Educators create a safe environment for participation and collaboration.
Build relationships of mutual respect.
Listen. Make eye contact. Respond with questions or comments. Value their voice.
Watch what you say. Remember these are students and we should respond to them on a professional level.
Build a rapport with your students. Rapport is about tearing down walls that may have been there before you entered into their lives.
Praise in public. Correct in private! Public correction can lead to feelings of anger and resentment and can undo the positive relationship already established.
Make connections. Attend extra-curricular activities. Little acts like attending a ballgame is a sure way to show students you care.
Respect them so they will respect you. Lay the foundation for the students' understanding that you believe in them.
Create and cummunicate a vision of success that inspire and guide while promoting student ownership and responsibility.
Provide clear learning goals.
Track student progress and successes.
Celebrate sucess.
Students and teachers are invigorated by successes large and small. Recognize them for their accomplishments and watch them accomplish more.
Coach the students to do their their best.
Facilitative educators encourage students to think outside the norm, to experiment and take risks, and to overcome habits that restrict thinking. Create safe environments that challenge learners so they can learn and grow!
Classroom Management: Procedures and Expectations
Focus on Results, Processes, and Relationships
Establish and maintain classroom rules and procedures.
Keep the classroom space organized.
Make sure the students have a say in the decision making process in a way that improves the quality of decisions within the classroom and increases the commitment to the learning process.