Student Reflection and Ownership Driven by Data
How? By using technological and/or quick assessments tool that allow students to see and measure their own results and receive timely feedback.
Edulastic Overview for Teachers
Using Edulastic to Give Students a Second Chance
There are some do's and don'ts for Edulastic so be sure educators proceed with caution. They should not release scores and correct answers because scholars have a tendency to overshare. :-) See the light blue box in the second graphic below.
IXL...because some students learn best through homework and practice
Tracking Sheets for Daily Student Self-Assessing in the Math (or any subject) Classroom (see below)
Test Prep with Student Ownership in Mind
Test Prep in the Math Classroom which can be transferred to any classroom
Google Student Self-Assessment Form (Click for access to the form)
Results from the Google Student Self-Assessment Form
Test Prep Feedback via Kahoot (Reflection-based Kahoot!)
In preparation for the Georgia Milestones, Dr. Robinson's class participated in a brief Milestone Mayhem. During this excursion, students tracked their progress throughout the school year with a focus on the domains. Each student used their test results as shown in Edulastic and recorded them on their Milestone and Me Thinking Sheet. Next to their original grade, they posted their "Shorts" grade so they could see their growth!
Dr. Robinson's Class' Snake schedule RGBY and tracking their data for the concepts
Test Prep Station Grading Rubric in the ELA Classroom
Test prep rubric + Reflection for the test prep stations (Ms. Hurt ELA 6th grade)
Test review station activities (Ms. Hurt ELA 6th grade)
Star Celebrations Driven by the Students Own Data
Celebrate Student Success whether it be driven by data or driven by good deed. This is a star status board where the original star is earned by making an A on a quiz or test. Then a star is earned to put on the star when the student makes another A on another quiz or test. To see more about the Star Celebrations click here and scroll to the bottom of the page.
A look into our Data-Driven Classroom (for a deeper glance into my data-driven classroom through the years click here)